ハーグ密使事件と日本の新聞報道 : 「事件」発生から第三次日韓協約締結まで

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  • Japanese Newspapers Reports on the Korean Secret Mission to th Second Peace Conference at The Hague and the Third Japanese-Korean Treaty
  • ハーグ ミッシ ジケン ト ニホン ノ シンブン ホウドウ : 「 ジケン 」 ハッセイ カラ ダイサンジ ニッカン キョウヤク テイケツ マデ



The purpose of this article is to investigate Japanese newspaper reports on the Korean Secret Mission to the Second Peace Conference at The Hague and the Third Japanese-Korean Treaty in 1907. This paper analyzes ten Japanese Newspapers-Osaka Mainichi Shimbun, Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun, Miyako Shimbun, Yorozu Cyoho, Tokyo Niroku Shimbun, Osaka Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo Asahi Shimbun, Kokumin Shimbun, Jiji Shimpo, Hochi Shimbun-especially Osaka Mainichi Shimbun. Although there has been much academic research on the history of Japan-Korea relations in the past, there have been few media history studies. Takaishi Shingoro, special correspondent at The Hague for the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun, reported the Korean Secret Mission to the Second Peace Conference at The Hague objectively. Three Koreans accused Japan of ruling Korea in the newspaper Courrier de la Conference. Some Japanese newspapers feared that foreign journalists expressed sympathy with Korea. Much of the Japanese press supported the Third Japanese-Korean Treaty. In contrast, much of the Japanese media criticized The Second Japanese-Korean Treaty in 1905 and few newspapers insisted on Japan's Annexation of Korea. Almost all of the Japanese media were calmer then compared to two years ago. Probably foreign journalists' sympathizing with Korea influenced this change in much of the Japanese media.




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