The Attempts to Develop Practical Ability of Project Management : By Exploring "Job Shadowing" Method(<Special Issue>Project Management Education)

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  • PMの実践力強化に向けた試み : ジョブシャドウイングをヒントに(<特集>プロジェクトマネジメント教育)
  • PMの実践力強化に向けた試み : ジョブシャドウイングをヒントに
  • PM ノ ジッセンリョク キョウカ ニ ムケタ ココロミ : ジョブシャドウイング オ ヒント ニ

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Today, there are a lot of people who have a considerable knowledge of project management and also have a specialized qualification such as PMP, however, those people do not always manage a project successfully at the practical works. We think project managers need to utilize their knowledge effectively on actual works and gain skills to manage project smoothly. Here we introduce the attempts to develop practical ability of project management by exploring "Job Shadowing" method.


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