これからの市民社会とレトリック教育 : 問題提起から(特別企画:大学教育とレトリカルスタディーズ)


  • On a Not-Yet-Emerged Rhetoric as Civic Education : An Attempt to Open up a Forum (Rhetorical Studies for Higher Education)
  • これからの市民社会とレトリック教育 : 問題提起から
  • コレカラ ノ シミン シャカイ ト レトリック キョウイク : モンダイ テイキ カラ



While the widely held opinion, which regards rhetoric as civic education, has been conceived as unproblematic, many rhetoricians are not sure how rhetoric could achieve civility through pedagogy without replicating the logic of modernity complicit with nation-state coupled with colonialism, patriarchy, and heteronormativity. Indeed, rhetoricians are faced with complexities by which civility could not easily be subject to a modern framework of pedagogy of rhetoric. This paper attempts to open up a forum through which rhetoricians could argue what constitutes civility and how civility could be taught in the current contexts in which many (late) modern constructs are at stake.


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