An Experimental Study of Relation between Appraisal Result of Recruiting Interview and Morphemes in Entry Sheet

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  • 新規学卒者採用試験における選考書類内の形態素と採用面接成績との関連についての実証分析
  • シンキガクソツシャ サイヨウ シケン ニ オケル センコウ ショルイ ナイ ノ ケイタイソ ト サイヨウ メンセツ セイセキ ト ノ カンレン ニ ツイテ ノ ジッショウ ブンセキ

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<p>This report proposes a methodology to predict performance of recruiting interview for new hire by using morphemes frequency in entry sheets. Based on applied results to a Japanese company, three morphemes were extracted as important information to distinguish interview results. About 72 percent of correct rate was obtained by linear discriminatory analysis, which had intended to predict recruiting interview performance using morpheme frequency of three words. Collocation analysis was conducted to clarify meanings of those morphemes.</p><p>Based on these results, this report verifies that the methodology can be worked to accomplish its objective.</p>


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