

  • Studies on Reversing Effect of Multidrug Resistance by Dipyridamole. II. Inhibition of Epirubicin Efflux from Resistant Cells by Dipyridamole and Its Pharmacological Effect
  • ジピリダモール ノ タザイ タイセイ コクフク サヨウ ニカンスルケンキュウ



We have previously reported that dipyridamole increases the cytotoxicity of epirubicin and alters the cell cycle in doxorubicin-resistant (P388/DOX) cells, increasing the accumulation of G2/M phase by blocking the cell cycle. In cultured cells, dipyridamole increased dose-dependently the intracellular accumulation of epirubicin in the resistant cells. Simultaneous exposure of the resistant cells to epirubicin and 100μM dipyridamole resulted in a 4.2-fold increase in proportion to the control level of epirubicin after 60 min. Dipyridamole inhibited the enhanced efflux of epirubicin in doxorubicin-resistant cells. However, dipyridamole had no effect on both the influx and efflux of epirubicin in doxorubicin-sensitive cells. In mice, lethal and bone marrow toxicity induced by epirubicin were potentiated by administration of high-dose of dipyridamole. In addition, in vivo results also demonstrated that dipyridamole in combination with epirubicin produced a significant reversal of the in vivo antitumor activity of epirubicin in mice bearing P388/DOX cells. These data imply the enhancement effects of dipyridamole on the efficacy and toxicity of epirubicin.


  • 薬学雑誌

    薬学雑誌 116 (3), 228-237, 1996

    公益社団法人 日本薬学会

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