ジェンダー秩序はいかにして構築されるか : サウジアラビアのウラマーによるファトワーの考察


  • How is Gender Order Created? : A Study of Fatwa Issued by Saudi Arabian 'Ulama
  • ジェンダー チツジョ ワ イカニシテ コウチクサレルカ サウジ アラビア ノ ウラマー ニ ヨル ファトワー ノ コウサツ



What is the genesis of the gender norm in Saudi Arabia that justifies and reproduces distinct gender inequality? And why and how is it maintained? In order to answer these questions this study aims to explore gender order through examining fatwa(a legal opinion) issued by well-known Saudi Arabian 'ulama. An analysis of fatwa demonstrates how 'ulama's discourses stipulate women's body whilst discourses of this genre are rarely produced about men; woman's body is subject to intervention and often disparaged as coquettish being. Stigmatized as "sexual other" vis-a-vis male "we," female Muslims are eager to request fatwa in order to avoid even a minor sexual "err." This process of discourse production and its diffusion facilitate social control of the gender order within the society. In the paper, characteristics of the discourses that are pivotal in constructing the gendered social structure are examined based on Michael Foucault's debates on power.


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