『落窪物語』の求婚歌 : 「いみじき色好み」から「御かどの御むすめ給ふともよも侍らじ」へ


  • The Tale of the Lady Ochikubo and its Suit Song : From a "Tremendously Sensual Existence" to "I will definitely decline, even if an offer for marriage with an Emperor's daughter was proposed"
  • オチクボ モノガタリ ノ キュウコンカ イミジキ イロゴノミ カラ ミカドノ オンムスメ タマウトモ ヨ モ ハベラジ エ



Tale of the Lady Ochikubo, recognized as having been worked out in the middle of the Heian period, is story of a step child where presence of the princess was less significant and was not so deeply involved in development of the story. If existences of those equivalents to princess are included, enough attention will be paid to existence of the Lady Ochikubo who is the heroine of the story. The way she was abused by her stepmother due to the fact that she was a princess coming from the Emperor's family, turned out to invite interest of Michiyori, the hero of the story, and the story began from there. In addition, Michiyori having been expressed as "tremendously sensual existence" said "I will definitely decline, even if marriage with an Emperor's daughter was proposed to me." He had gone through with a change to be a man who declines marriage with a princess and swore firmly to live with sole wife, even going beyond the bounds of socially accepted idea. In the early stage, however, Michiyori's speculation was not less determined. Then, a question becomes where and when transformation of value took place. Presumably, waka came to be involved in the process, there, then. In this thesis, writer tracked back waka's function, making it possible to transform the value which repositioned the stepchild having been demoted to be a hired servant in spite of being of royal blood to become a nobler figure than Princess endowed with supreme social existence.


  • 物語研究

    物語研究 11 (0), 85-96, 2011


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