明石一族の〈涙〉と結束 : 〈涙〉をめぐる風景


  • Tears and Solidarity in the Akashi Family
  • 明石一族の<涙>と結束--<涙>をめぐる風景
  • アカシ イチゾク ノ ナミダ ト ケッソク ナミダ オ メグル フウケイ



Although born and bred in a remote area, the lady from Akashi ascended to the top and gained Lady Murasaki's high regard. Behind her splendor, however, lurks undue hardship such as her sorrow of parting with Genji at the bay of Akashi, her parting from her daughter, and her way from Oi to the capital. Although such suffering is often accompanied by tears shed by the members of the Akashi family, the close link between the Akashi family and tears has not been considered. In this paper I focus on the Spring Shoots chapters and by examining the ups and downs of the Akashi family and various aspects of the tears they shed, such as tears and status, tears at parting, tears shed at old age, and contagious tears, I reflect on the Akashi family as a group and the significance of their tears.


  • 物語研究

    物語研究 10 (0), 160-172, 2010


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