見えない亡霊/顕れる怨霊 : 記憶/亡霊/不可能性(特集論文年間テーマ<記憶>,<特集>記憶)


  • Invisible ghosts/appearing ghosts : memory, ghosts, impossibility(Articles Based on the theme of "The Memory",<Special Issue>The Memory)
  • 見えない亡霊/顕れる亡霊--記憶/亡霊/不可能性
  • ミエナイ ボウレイ アラワレル ボウレイ キオク ボウレイ フカノウセイ



The purpose of this paper is to distinguish vengeful spirits represented in texts, stages and the real world, uttered and utilized/consumed by nations from the dead, such as parents, brothers or sisters, a partner, a lover, friends and someone who understands and sympathizes with them, building a good relationship with close relatives. The latter dead is ambiguous in whether they have returned to the present world. I call them ghosts. Though Gunkimonogatari produces vengeful spirits, it internalizes the possibility of building relations with vengeful spirits. I examine how to build relation with the dead and the possibility of remembering the dead which is possible in case one can't identify with the dead and continue to fail in mourning through Katarimono including Gunkimonogatari.


  • 物語研究

    物語研究 6 (0), 1-21, 2006


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