

  • Hydrogen Absorption of Titanium Heat Exchanger Tubes in MSF Desalination Plants
  • MSF カイスイ タンスイカ ソウチ ニ オケル チタン デンネツカン ノ ス



Hydrogen absorption of titanium tubes in the brine containing Fe(OH)2 precipitates has been investigated in connection with the decomposition of Fe(OH)2 (Schikorr reaction). Influence of various factors such as Fe(OH)2 content, temperature, surface condition, coupling with dissimilar metals, roller expansion and alloying element of Pd on hydrogen absorption has been studied. Results obtained were as follows;<br>(1) Hydrogen absorption of commercially pure titanium tube occurred remarkably at the temperature above 80-100°C in the brine containing 0.01-1M Fe(OH)2 precipitates.<br>(2) Hydrogen absorption was accelerated by coupling with mild steel, by iron contamination on titanium surface and by roller expansion. On the other hand, it was suppressed by acid pickling of titanium tubes.<br>(3) Ti-0.15 Pd alloy tube was much more likely to absorb hydrogen than c. p. titanium.<br>(4) Results suggested that hydrogen absorption occurred because of much surface coverage by hydrogen atom on titanium surface as the result of Schikorr reaction.<br>(5) It was indicated that practical solutions to the problem were (a) to avoid ferrous corrosion products coming from steel components in plants, (b) to avoid iron contamination of titanium surface during fabrication, and (c) pickling of titanium tube.


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