Investigation on Metal Corrosion Phenomena by Using Synchrotron Radiation and Neutron Beams

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  • 放射光および中性子線による金属腐食現象の研究
  • ホウシャコウ オヨビ チュウセイシセン ニ ヨル キンゾク フショク ゲンショウ ノ ケンキュウ

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Synchrotron radiation beam, which can be used as diffraction, X-ray absorption fine structure, imaging, photoelectron spectroscopy, etc., has an advantage of ultra-bright, highly-directional, and so forth in comparison with conventional X-ray equipment. Therefore, its application has been expanded to various metal corrosion phenomena such as atmospheric corrosion of steels, the influence of alloying elements on the formation and structure of rusts of weathering steels, the underpotential deposition behavior of Pb on Ni electrode, the non-destructive in-depth analysis of the passive film of stainless steel, etc. In contrast, neutron beam, which can be used as neutron diffraction, small angle neutron scattering, neutron imaging, etc., has unique properties such as high transmittance and high sensitivity to hydrogen and water. From these features, it has been applied to metal corrosion researches such as the change of average size and volume fraction of weathering steel rusts during wet/dry cycles, the direct observation of water motion under blister of under-film corroded steels, etc.


  • Zairyo-to-Kankyo

    Zairyo-to-Kankyo 64 (7), 273-280, 2015

    Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering

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