<i>In-Situ</i> Analysis of Passive Films by Modulated UV-visible Reflection Spectroscopy

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  • 変調可視・紫外反射分光法による不働態皮膜の<i>In-Situ</i>解析
  • 変調可視・紫外反射分光法による不働態皮膜のIn-Situ解析
  • ヘンチョウ カシ シガイ ハンシャ ブンコウホウ ニ ヨル フドウタイ ヒマク

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The application of modulated UV-visible reflection spectroscopy to the in-situ analysis of passive films is reviewed. After a brief description of the principle and techniques of this method, following recent topics in the analysis of film composition are given: (1) qualitative analysis of passive films on Ni, (2) quantitative analysis of passive films on Fe-Cr and Ni-Cr alloys, (3) in-depth analysis of passive films on a Fe-Cr alloy, and (4) analysis of films on Fe at active-passive transition potentials.



    CORROSION ENGINEERING 36 (9), 586-593, 1987

    Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering

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