Corrosion Products and Corrosion Rates of Cast Iron in Flowing Sea and Fresh Water at High Temperature

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When the exhaust gas in marine engine is passing the supercharger, it is necessary to cool the water way of the supercharger by sea water or fresh water to prevent deterioration of it. A lot of corrosion product which is strongly affected by DO and pH in the water is formed in its water way. In this paper, the contents of crystalline hematite, goethite and magnetite in corrosion products of cast iron were examined by X-ray diffractions and the effect of cooling water rate of sea and fresh water on corrosion rates was also investigated. The amount of hematite in fresh water was less than that in sea water, and magnetite in fresh water was about twice than that in sea water. There was no goethite in both water. The corrosion rate increased with an increase in cooling water rate, but the corrosion rate in sea water was larger than that in fresh water.



    CORROSION ENGINEERING 38 (5), 255-259, 1989

    Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering

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