

  • Effects of Alloying Elements on Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Purity 18Cr-14Ni Steels in NaCl Solutions
  • テイ ノウド NaCl スイヨウエキチュウ ニ オケル コウ ジュンド 18C



Effects of P, Si, Mn and Cu on stress corrosion cracking (SCC) were studied with high purity 18Cr-14Ni steels with systematic variations in those alloying elements in 3×10-2, 3×10-1 and 3% NaCl solutions at 80°C. SCC tests were conducted using spto-welded specimens which had both metal/metal-crevice and residual stress to provide severe conditions for initiation of SCC cracks. Specimens were immersed in NaCl solutions for 72h at electrode potentials more noble than their ER values so that initiation of cracks from dissolving wall inside crevice could be examined. Decreasing P content gives a significant effect on improving cracking tendency. Steels with 1 or 2% Cu combined with 20ppm P have no potential range for SCC in all the NaCl solutions tested. Increasing contents of Si exerted rather detrimental effect on SCC for the steels with P content as low as 20ppm, which is contrasted with the beneficial effect of Si as reported for the 18Cr-10Ni steels with P contents higher than 100ppm in MgCl2 solution boiling at 154°C.


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