Measurement of Cathodic Current to the Test Piece Uses Seawater Resistant Stainless Steel to Tidal Zone

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  • 干満帯に耐海水ステンレス鋼を用いた試験体に流入するカソード電流の測定
  • カンマンタイ ニ タイカイスイ ステンレス コウ オ モチイタ シケンタイ ニ リュウニュウ スル カソード デンリュウ ノ ソクテイ

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The results of exposure test by using the test piece which simulates cathodically protected marine steel structure are reported. The exposure examination used the test piece which applied seawater resistant stainless steel from splash zone to the upper part of submerged zone. The value of cathodic current to submerged zone after five months was almost equal to carbon steel. But, cathodic current to seawater resistant stainless steel near high water level was smaller than the value of carbon steel. And, the cathodic current to the high water level of spring tide was larger than other parts.


  • Zairyo-to-Kankyo

    Zairyo-to-Kankyo 55 (10), 452-457, 2006

    Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering

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