Off-design performance analysis of OTEC. Ammonia as working fluid.

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  • 海洋温度差発電システムのオフデザイン条件での性能解析  作動流体がアンモニアの場合
  • カイヨウ オンドサ ハツデン システム ノ オフ デザイン ジョウケン デ ノ

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In this paper, off-design performance analysis of OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) is carried out. Calculations are made for a 100 MW model plant with design conditions of 20°C warm sea water temperature and 4°C cold sea water temperature. The calculated results, such as gross power, net power, efficiency of turbine, and performance of heat exchanger, are shown when values of warm and cold sea water temperatures are varied from the design point. Ammonia is used as a working fluid; heat exchangers are of the plate type.


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