Proximate Composition and Extractable Components of Sun-dried Gonads of Sea Cucumber (Konoko) and Corresponding Marine Products.

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  • ナマコ生殖巣の干物(このこ)と類似海産製品の一般組成およびエキス成分
  • ナマコ セイショク ソウ ノ ヒモノ コノコ ト ルイジ カイサン セイヒン ノ イッパン ソセイ オヨビ エキス セイブン

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The gonads of sea cucumber dried in the sun are prized as a tasty, expensive delicacy known as “konoko.” To account for the pleasant taste, we analyzed the proximate composition and extractable components of raw gonads (A) and konoko (B), comparing the results between the two, and also with reported analytical data for corresponding marine products. Although the flavor and texture of A were markedly changed by sun-drying, analytical values indicated little modification except for water content. Crude ash was more abundant and the protein content was lower in A than in other marine gonads. The extracts of both A and B contained large amounts of free amino acids, among which Glu was enormously high, followed by a relatively large amount of Ala and Gly; a fairly large amount of AMP was also included. It seems that the taste of konoko is mainly ascribable to Glu and AMP, with sweetness derived from Gly and Ala.


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