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  • Nonlinear Vibrations of a Timing Belt with a Rotor Pulled by Magnetic Force.
  • ジリョク キュウイン オ ウケル ロータ フカ タイミング ベルト ノ ヒセン



Analytical results are presented for nonlinear vibrations of a timing belt with a rotor pulled by a magnetic force. With application of the Galerkin method to the basic equation, the ordinary differential equation in a multi-degree-of-freedom system is reduced. The steady-state responses are calculated using the harmonic balance method. The numerical results show the following conclusions. The resonance frequency in each mode of vibration decreases with the increment of the mass in the rotor. The amplitude of nonlinear response decreases with the increment of the cross section in the belt. The magnetic force acting on the belt changes the characteristics of nonlinear spring from the hardening type to the softening-hardening type. The magnetic force on the belt easily shifts the frequency away from the resonance frequency and facilitates supression of the resonance amplitude.


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