

  • Studies on the leaf analysis of apples. II
  • りんごの葉分析に関する研究-2-
  • リンゴ ノ ヨウブンセキ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 2
  • Effects of nitrogen nutrition on mineral composition of leaves, growth, yield and fruit quality of apple trees



This study was made to find out the “optimum value” as a base of diagnostic techniques, with 11 varieties of apple trees grown under uniform soil condition from 1951 to 1954. Three levels of ammonium sulfate were applied annually at spring; high, medium and none. This paper is concerned with some effects of N nutrition on mineral composition of leaves, growth, yield and fruit quality of apple trees.<br> 1) After 3 years of differential nitrogen fertilization, N nutrition was reflected in leaf N content.<br> 2) The difference of the mineral composition of leaves between varieties was recognized and three groups were found out by leaf N content.<br> 3) With apple trees grown under uniform condition, after 3 years since the difference of leaf N content due to difference in N nutrition was distinguished, a positive relationship between leaf N content and growth, negative between leaf N con-tent and fruit quality has been recognized.<br> 4) It seemed to be difficult to practice the diagnostic technique through the “optimum value” concept of leaf content thought usually up to present.


  • 園芸学会雑誌

    園芸学会雑誌 27 (2), 89-93, 1958

    一般社団法人 園芸学会

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