モルヒネ製剤に関するアンケート結果の検討 遺族アンケートの結果から



  • An analysis of a questionnaire on morphine formulations through the bereaved families.
  • ―遺族アンケートの結果から―



We sent both a questionnaire and a booklet to 310 bereaved families of patients who have been administered the morphine formulations at the National Cancer Center Hospital, in order to analyze the influence of explanation about the drug on the analgesic effects and usefulness of the booklet. The recovery rate was 48.6% The results indicate that the explanation about morphine were not directly relevant to the degree of cancer pain. But the patients who received an explanation about morphine usually also received an explanation about cancer pain. Conversely, those who didn't receive an explanation about cancer pain tended not to receive an explanation about the drug.<br>The analgesic effects were significantly superior in patients who received an explana-tion about the drug compared with patients who didn't (p<0.05). In addition, the rate of patients who understood the drug well was significantly higher in patients who received an explanation about it than in patients who didn't (p<0.005).<br>Thus, the results of our investigation suggest that providing an explanation to the patients who need morphine for cancer pain, which is administered by the medical staff can enhance the analgesic effects of morphine and that the booklet can help the patients understand the drug well.


  • 医療

    医療 48 (1), 27-31, 1994

    一般社団法人 国立医療学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

