Meaning of Pulmonary Function Test in Physical Checkup

  • OGUSHI Fumitaka
    国立病院機構高知病院 呼吸器アレルギー科
  • SHINOHARA Tsutomu
    国立病院機構高知病院 呼吸器アレルギー科 国立病院機構高知病院 臨床研究部

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of chronic morbidity and mortality throughout the world. COPD is a preventable and treatable disease and its pulmonary component is characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. The airflow limitation is usually progressive and associated with an abnormal inflammatory response of the lung to noxious particles or gases such as smoking. Therefore it is important to diagnosis in early stage of the disease. It is necessary to carry out pulmonary function test to find the COPD patients. In this study, we examined whether pulmonary function test was needed in health examination of stuffs in our hospital. Clinical, spirometric, and risk factor exposure data were collected on 208 stuffs (male: 75, female: 133, mean age: 38 years old) in our hospital. Subjects were consisted of 48 current smokers, 31 ex-smokers and 129 never-smokers. Air flow limitation was defined as FEV1.0%<70%. The abnormality of small air way was defined as V50/V25>3.0. Mean value of FEV1.0%<70% and V50/V25 obtained from smoker, ex-smoker and never-smoker groups was in normal range, but FEV1.0% value from smoker was significantly less than that from never smoker. On the otherhand, V50/V25 value from smoker was significantly higher than that from never smoker. Furthermore, mean values of FEV1.0% and V50/V25 obtained form smokers and ex smokers turned worse by aging. In smoker group, the abnormality of small airway was detected in 7.7% of less than 40 years old and 59.1% of 40 years old or more and air flow limitation was detected in 13.6% of 40 years old or more. In ex-smoker group, there were no abnormality of small airway and air flow limitation in subjects less than 40 years old, and abnormality of small airway was detected 38.1% and air flow limitation was detected 4.8% of 40 years old or more. These data suggested that it was necessary to do pulmonary function test for health examination of stuffs.


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