Fate of Tobacco Mosaic Virus after Entering the Host Cell



Tobacco leaves were inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus labeled with 32P or 35S. After various intervals, extracts of the leaves were prepared. In extracts from leaves infected for 5 to 360 min, about 40 to 60% of the virus retained on leaves was recovered in the pellet of the homogenate centrifuged at 12000×g. The virus associated with the 12000×g pellet was dissociable by treatment with pancreatic RNase, alkali or sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The parental virus extracted by SDS from the pellet at 12000×g had a large amount of partially uncoated virus possessing naked RNA. Analysis by density gradient centrifugation suggested that, in addition to partially uncoated virus, some fragmented RNA was also associated with the 12000×g pellet. This fragmented RNA seemed to be derived from partially uncoated virus. Density gradient analysis of SDS extracts from the 12000×g pellet suggested that some of the virus underwent uncoating at the internal regions of the virus particle.


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