Relations between Their Color Preference and Colors of Their Clothes Color Preference of Little Children
- 名古屋市立女子短期大学
- WADA Emiko
- 日本大学準付属大垣高等学校
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- Other Title
- 幼児の色彩嗜好に関する研究嗜好傾向と服の色
- ヨウジ ノ シキサイシコウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ シコウケイコウ ト フク ノ イロ
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It seems that colors play an : important role in providing the good environment for the very young children and in cultivating the noble sentiment in them. In many cases, mothers and teachers create the environment according to their own preference. However, feeling and desire of little children should be concerned and their sense of beauty should be nurtured. Consequently study was made on the color preference shown by the kindergarteners, the resemblance between the results obtained by the three methods described below, and the relations between favorite colors among color samples and colors of their clothing.<BR>1. Subjects : 180 boys and girls of Shotoku Kindergarten and 400 of Ogaki North Kindergarten<BR>2. Dates of test : May and June in 1969<BR>3. Method of elucidating preference : <BR>(1) Using the colored paper<BR>(2) Using abstract figures<BR>(3) Using paper dolls<BR>4. Results : <BR>(1) The test result by method (1) shows no difference in color preference between boys and girls of 3 years old. They both are fond of “red”. When they become older, girls still like “red”, while boys like “blue” or “yellow”. Girls' color preference is likely to be changeless, but in the case of boys it varies in a wide range.<BR>(2) Four or five year old boys like “blue”, and dislike “red”. Girls who like “red” dislike “blue”. Generally speaking, the young children who like “red” dislike “blue”.<BR>(3) Children who show their decided color preference in the tests using color samples have the same color preference in selecting their clothes.<BR>Color preference of little children is heteronomous and therefore it is greatly affected by their environment.
- Journal of Home Economics of Japan
Journal of Home Economics of Japan 23 (3), 190-195, 1972
The Japan Society of Home Economics
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282681306975744
- NII Article ID
- 40000472101
- 130003716597
- NII Book ID
- AN00041468
- 18847870
- 04499069
- 357119
- Data Source
- JaLC
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