

  • The Role of Clothing in the Women's Suffrage Campaign in England from 1908 to 1914
  • 20世紀イギリス婦人参政権運動における衣服の役割 : WSPUの機関誌『婦人に参政権を』(Votes for Women)を中心に
  • 20セイキ イギリスフニンジン セイケン ウンドウ ニ オケル イフク ノ ヤクワリ : WSPU ノ キカンシ 『 フジン ニ サンセイケン オ 』(Votes for Women)オ チュウシン ニ
  • ―WSPUの機関誌 『婦人に参政権を』 (<i>Votes for Women</i>) を中心に―
  • —Focusing on <i>Votes for Women</i>, the Journal Published by the Women's Social and Political Union—



In the beginning of the twentieth century, the suffragettes campaigned strongly. Previous studies at home and abroad have focused on the campaign's political aspects of the history of feminism, gender and politics. However, few studies have adequately discussed the role of clothing in the suffragette movement. In this article, I will examine the details and the meaning of clothing during the movement. The main source is the Votes for Women which was published by the Women's Social and Political Union. As a result, it can be concluded that items such as banners and badges decorated with symbol colours had a role in developing a collective vision among the suffragettes and supporting the aim of achieving women's causes.


  • 日本家政学会誌

    日本家政学会誌 65 (3), 118-128, 2014

    一般社団法人 日本家政学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

