Effects of Aging in Vivo and in Vitro and Cytoskeletal Inhibitors on the Parthenogenetic Activation of Mouse Oocytes.
- KWON Oh Yong
- NODAL Research Institute, Tokyo University of Agriculture
- KONO Tomohiro
- NODAL Research Institute, Tokyo University of Agriculture
- NODAL Research Institute, Tokyo University of Agriculture
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- Other Title
- マウス未受精卵における採卵時間,体外培養時間および細胞骨格系阻害剤が単為発生誘起に及ぼす影響
- マウス ミ ジュセイラン ニ オケル サイラン ジカン タイガイ バイヨウ ジ
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Using CD-1 mature female mice, oocytes were collected either from the ovarian follicles 10 hr or from the oviducts 14, 16 and 18 hr after hCG injection and were subjected to a brief ethanol treatment in order to induce parthenogenetic activation. The activation rate was low (7%) when the follicular oocytes were treated immediately after collection but increased by culturing the oocytes for 4 (45%), 6 (93%) or 8 hr (93%) in M16 medium in vitro. The oocytes collected 16 hr after hCG injection were exposed for 30 min to M2 medium containing cytochalasin B, colcemid or cytochalasin B+colcemid. Cytochalasin B had no effect on the activation rate, but colcemid significantly inhibited the oocytes activation. Of the oocytes treated with colcemid or cytochalasin B+colcemid and cultured for 0 and 30 min in M16, only 16-24% oocytes were activated parthenogenetically by the ethanol treatment. A higher activation rate (58-82%) was given when the colcemid-treated oocytes were cultured for 60 or 120 min in M16 before the ethanol treatment. The present study demonstrates that the mouse oocytes collected from ovarian follicles can be activated parthenogenetically with ethanol, if they are preincubated for 4-8 hr in vitro.
- The Japanese journal of animal reproduction
The Japanese journal of animal reproduction 37 (4), 251-256, 1991
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282681310638464
- NII Article ID
- 130004077390
- 40004157575
- NII Book ID
- AN00041843
- 3761742
- 03859932
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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