- タイトル別名
- An analysis of in vitro 2-cell block by using pronuclear transplantation technique.
- ゼンカク チカン ギジュツ オ モチイタ in vitro 2 cell bl
The present study was undertaken to examine whether the 'in vitro 2-cell block' in the mouse was controlled by the pronuclei or by the cytoplasm by using pronuclear transplantation technique. In the first experiment, enucleation and karyoplast fusion with inactivated Sendai virus were performed between 'blocking' (CD-1) and 'non-blocking' (F1: C57BL/6 × CBA) pronuclear eggs. In the second experiment, the effect of fused cytoplasm from Fl embryos at various stages on the subsequent development of CD-1 zygotes was examined. In the third experiment, the effect of fused cytoplasm from CD-1 zygotes on the development of Fl zygotes was examined. The results obtained are as follows.<BR>1). Significantly high proportion of enucleated Fl zygotes with CD-1 pronuclei de-veloped beyond the 2-cell stage (72.4%) as compared to the enucleated CD-1 eggs received F1 pronuclei (40.4%) or control CD-1 zygotes (42.3%).<BR>2). The proportion of CD-1 zygotes developed beyond 2-cell stages was significantly increased (from 42.9 to 72.3%) by the fusion with cytoplasma from F 1 2-cell embryos.<BR>3). The fusion of cytoplasm from CD-1 zygotes did not significantly suppress the development of F 1 zygotes.<BR>4). These results demonstrate that the preimplantation development of mouse zygotes in vitro is controlled by cytoplasm, but not by the pronuclei, and suggest that the cytoplasmic factor emerges at the 2-cell stage to maintain the subsequent development.
- 家畜繁殖学雑誌
家畜繁殖学雑誌 33 (1), 15-18, 1987
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390282681310732800
- 130004214139
- 40004157307
- AN00041843
- 3135368
- 03859932
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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