

  • Influence of calcium addition on the grain size of primary silicon crystals in a hypereutectic Al-20%Si alloy
  • カキョウショウ Al 20パーセント Si ゴウキン ノ ショショウ Si ケ



Effects of Ca addition on grain size of primary silicon crystals in an Al-20%Si alloy were studied by means of an optical microscope and an X-ray microanalyzer. When a melt was held at 800°C, 0.13% Ca addition resulted in refinement of primary silicon and melts with 0.29-0.86%Ca additions did not resulted in microstructural refinement. White-colored particles were seen in the primary silicon crystal and eutectic structure in Ca-treated specimens and the composition of these particles approximated to CaAl2Si2 by microprobe analysis. The growth of primary silicon crystals in an Al-20%Si alloy treated with 0.13%Ca was interpreted in a manner similar to the twin reentrant mechanism reported by Hamilton et al for the case of germanium crystals growing in its melt.


  • 軽金属

    軽金属 26 (8), 385-390, 1976

    一般社団法人 軽金属学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

