制振材を積層した自動車車体用パネルの減衰特性の有限要素解析 第1報  ビードパネルの減衰特性の実験結果と数値計算結果の比較


  • Finite Element Analysis for Vibration Properties of Panels in Car Bodies Having Viscoelastic Damping Layer. 1st Reprot. Comparison of Damping Properties.
  • セイシンザイ オ セキソウ シタ ジドウシャ シャタイヨウ パネル ノ ゲンスイ トクセイ ノ ユウゲン ヨウソ カイセキ ダイ1ポウ ビードパネル ノ ゲンスイ トクセイ ノ ジッケン ケッカ ト スウチ ケイサン ケッカ ノ ヒカク



This paper describes vibration phenomena for stiffened elastic panels having viscoelastic damping layer. The panels are stiffened by beads. The laminated panels are modeled using three-dimensional finite elements in consideration with complex modulus of elasticity. Further, applying asymototic method to the discreted equations of motion, explicit expressions of modal loss factors for the laminates are derived. Consequently, the expressions have similar form to Modal Strain Energy Method, which is proposed by Jonson. Numerical code is developed related to the expressions. Vibration damping properties of the bead panels, which are calculated by the code, is consistent with experimental results. Temperature dependence of the damping properties by FEM also agreed well with the experiments. These investigations reveal that modal damping decreases due to beads of the panels.


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