Difference in Damage Caused by the Sugi Bark Borer (Semanotus japonicus Lacordaire) with Planting Density in a Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) Plantation.

  • Yoshino Y
    Hyogo Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Forest Technology Center

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  • スギ林における植栽密度によるスギカミキリ被害の違い
  • スギバヤシ ニ オケル ショクサイミツド ニ ヨル スギカミキリ ヒガイ ノ チガイ

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Damage to Japanese cedars caused by the sugi bark borer in plots with low, medium and high planting density (1, 700, 3, 200, and 7, 300 trees/ha, respectively) was examined in a 20-year-old sugi plantation. Radial growth and annual ring-width at breast height of three trees sampled per plot were measured by stem analysis. Stand age when each pupal chamber formed on the sample trees by the borer was also investigated by sawing the trees. There was less damage in the high density plot than in the low density plot. Radial growth at breast height increased rapidly from the 7th year after planting in all plots. The width of the annual ring reached a maximum in the 9th or 10th year, and decreased gradually thereafter. Radial growth in the low density plot was larger than that in the high density plot. Pupal chambers were first observed in the 7th year. The number of pupal chambers increased yearly, reaching a maximum in the 12th or 13th year, and decreased rapidly thereafter. These results indicate that restriction of radial growth of trees in the juvenile period by high density planting can prevent infestation of the sugi bark borer.



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