Photosynthesis of young Sugi (<i>Cryptomeria japonica</i> D. DON) trees regenerated by natural layerings under various light climates

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  • スギ伏条稚樹の光環境と光合成
  • スギ フクジョウ チジュ ノ ヒカリ カンキョウ ト コウゴウセイ

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From September to November, 1978, light-photosynthesis curves were comparatively examined between (1) Sugi layerings, small sized trees originated from natural layering growing under the canopy of a closed Sugi stand, (2) layerings on a clearcut area, and (3) planted Sugi rooted-cuttings on the latter area. In gross photosynthetic rate, the layerings on the open area were almost equal to the planted-rooted cuttings on the same site and higher than the layerings under the canopy at any light intensity. From May to October, 1979, the differences in light-photosynthesis curves among the layerings growing under different light intensity conditions were examined in leaf age. In current-year leaves, the photosynthetic rates at lower light-intensities increased with shading by the canopy which seems to be an adaptation of the photosynthetic system to light conditions. With the aging of the leaves, the photosynthetic rates decreased, but the changes of the light-photosynthesis curves in older leaves were not apparent. In the layerings in the open area, the growth of new leaves was vigorous and their abundance may account for the higher level in the photosynthetic rate. In the layerings under the canopy, the photosynthetic organs were occupied by older leaves, and the photosynthetic rate lower. However the longer functional duration of their leaves may save the consumption of dry matter for making new leaves which is considered to be an important factor affecting the shade tolerance of Sugi layerings.


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