Proposal of a Cloud Chamber Experiment Using Diagnostic X-ray Apparatus and an Analysis Assisted by a Simulation Code

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  • 診断用X線装置を用いた霧箱実験の提案とシミュレーションコードを援用した解析
  • シンダンヨウ Xセン ソウチ オ モチイタ キリバコ ジッケン ノ テイアン ト シミュレーションコード オ エンヨウ シタ カイセキ

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A cloud chamber is a radiation detector that can visualize the tracks of charged particles. In this study, we developed a middle-type cloud chamber for use in practical training using a diagnostic X-ray apparatus. Because our cloud chamber has a heater to vaporize ethanol and features antifogging glass, it is possible to observe the vapor trails for a long time without the need for fine adjustments. X-rays with a tube voltage of 40 kV or of 120 kV (with a 21-mm aluminum filter) were irradiated at the chamber and the various phenomena were observed. We explain these phenomena in terms of the range of electrons and/or interactions between X-rays and matter and conclude that our analysis is consistent with analysis using the Monte Carlo simulation code EGS5.



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