ON THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE INTENSIFYING SCREEN : The 6th report, The relationship betwen obscurity (not sharpness) by screen and geometric obscurity

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  • 増感紙の比較検討に就いて : 第6報増感的不鋭と幾何学的不鋭の関係
  • 増感紙の比較検討に就いて-6-
  • ゾウカンシ ノ ヒカク ケントウ ニ ツイテ 6

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While there are kinetic, geometric, scattered and intensified obscurity, geometric and intensified obscurity in this four factor was persuaded the each other relationship and just then cleared up the selection criteria of appropriate intensifying screen for the subject and position of plotograph with establishment of undifferentiated range of the sharpness.



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