Comparison of 3 Tesla Whole Heart Coronary MRA (WHCA) with 1.5 Tesla

  • Ohyama Kosuke
    Graduate School of Health Sciences, University of Tokushima
  • Kubo Hitoshi
    Department of Medical Imaging, University of Tokushima Graduate School
  • Harada Masafumi
    Department of Medical Imaging, University of Tokushima Graduate School
  • Sasahara Yuji
    School of Health Sciences, University of Tokushima
  • Nozaki Atsushi
    Japan Applied Science Laboratory, GE Yokogawa Medical Systems
  • Takei Naoyuki
    Japan Applied Science Laboratory, GE Yokogawa Medical Systems
  • Takao Syoichiro
    Department of Radiologic Technology, University of Tokushima Graduate School
  • Nishitani Hiromu
    Department of Radiology, University of Tokushima Graduate School

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Other Title
  • 1.5Tと比較した3TにおけるWhole Heart Coronary MRA(WHCA)の検討
  • 1 5T ト ヒカクシタ 3T ニ オケル Whole Heart Coronary MRA WHCA ノ ケントウ

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Whole heart coronary MRA (WHCA) is a noninvasive method used to image all coronary arteries with cardiac and real-time respiratory gating. We compared the coronary depiction ability of 3T WHCA with that of 1.5T using healthy volunteers. In addition, we compared the study performance rate, which might differ at 3T and 1.5T due to the difference in specific absorption rate (SAR) limits. The coronary artery was classified into nine segments, based on the classification of the American Heart Association (AHA). Each observer was asked to evaluate WHCA with the three-point scale rating for each segment, and to measure the visible length of each coronary artery utilizing reconstructed CPR and VR images. Depiction at 3T was superior to that at 1.5T. The completion rate of study was 100% at 1.5T, but just 63% at 3T owing to SAR limits. Thus it was suggested that 3T WHCA might be feasible with the advantage of high depiction ability, if adequate SAR reduction techniques were developed.



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