人間機械系に関する研究 -キーパンチ作業について-


  • Human Factors in Card Punching Operation
  • ニンゲン キカイケイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ キーパンチ サギョウ ニ ツイテ



Man-machine system in card punching operation was analyzed specially interested in the relation of the display in machine to the receptor in man and of the control in machine to the muscle as an effector. The physical environment within which the card punching was carried out was also evaluated by the output of man-machine system.<br>A large number of misspunching seems to be caused by the manner of decoding numerals in information receiving and decision making processes. The physiological capacities of fingers on this operation were measured in connexion of speed, accuracy, force and working area. It is obvious that the load of each finger is not fitted to the physiological and psychological abilities presented by punchers, so far as our experimental condition is concerned. It is suggested that the fitting the machine to the man at work is quite necessary in this case on the efficiency of the system.



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