- Department of Radiology, Kagoshima University Hospital
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- Other Title
- アンギオスキャノグラフィの研究
- アンギオ スキャノグラフィ ノ ケンキュウ
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It is the technical or clinical purpose of the angiography of the lower extremity in vascular disease to obtain the exact and detail angiogram of whole arterial system at the region from the thigh to the tops of toes. Large-field angiography using US differential screen has generally been performed. An angiographic picture obtained by the technique of this method, however, gives a dilated or strained appearance at the portion of both thigh and foot, and occasionally shows a lack of radiographic density or sharpness at the portion of the thigh caused with doubleness of arteries and veins, according to prolonged infusion of relatively much of radiopaque. For the purpose of reduction of these disadvantages, angiographic scanography-called angioscanography was employed in present studies using mechanism of table sliding of modified KOORDINAT KOMBI apparatus. An angioscanographic picture was taken by the proportional motion of table sliding with the stream of infused radiopaque under the condition of fixation of narrowing slit which was attached just benath the x-ray tube. The experiments on the scanographic examination by the technique of present method indicated the followings. The reduction of Strobo effects was obtained by narrowing of slit width, slowing of scanning speed, and supplying of flat electric current to the x-ray tube. In present investigations, therefore, were employed the three phase 12 pulses of GIGANTOS's. Regarding the relationship between slit width, scanning speed, and radiographic sharpness, which was shown in CTF curve, radiographic sharpness was reduced when scanning speed was slowed and remarkably when slit wided. The results of fundamental examination indicated that radiographic sharpness was obtained by the maximum out put of x-ray apparatus and by narrowing slit width. Clinical angioscanography was performed on the base of the fundamental examination. Favorable angioscanogram in the long area such as the aorta or the extremity was obtained by the infusion of high concentrated radiopaque for a few seconds under the condition of proportional motion of table sliding and by adequate adjustment of electric current for radiographic density in each objective area.
- Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology
Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology 30 (1), 19-31, 1974
Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282681341712000
- NII Article ID
- 110003449221
- NII Book ID
- AN00197784
- 18814883
- 03694305
- 7624692
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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