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  • 多軌道断層装置の応用について
  • タキドウ ダンソウ ソウチ ノ オウヨウ ニ ツイテ

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Some clinical experiences and technological problems in using the pluridirectional tomographic unit are discussed and compared with that of ordinary linear tomographic unit. The unit used is Toshiba LGM-I. With this unit any one of various tube and film orbits for blurring out the shadows not in the tomographic plane can be chosen. They are linear, circular, spinal and hypocycloidal. Quality of the tomogram taken with this unit by linear movement is almost same as with ordinary unit, but in cases of the paranasal cavity, the internal auditory canal and the spinal column tomogram by complicated orbit are superior to that with ordinary unit. one of the technological problems taken place with this new unit is the positioning of the patient. The thickness of the tomographic layer of the complicated orbit is thinner than that of tha ordinary orbit, so that the most accurate positioning of the patient is required. New device for the positioning aid of the tomography of the head and neck region is presented.


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