
DOI Web Site 参考文献9件 オープンアクセス


  • Fundamental Research on Hobbing with Minimal Quantity Lubrication of Cutting Oil (Effect of Fullerene Additive)


In this paper, the influence of fullerene as an additive in cutting oil on flank wear and crater wear of TiN- and (Al,Ti) N-coated tools, and finished surface roughness were investigated with minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) system in hobbing when changing the cutting speed. Experiments were conducted by simulating hobbing by fly tool cutting on a milling machine. The following results were clarified; (1) Fullerene decreases the flank wear compared with cutting oil for MQL on the market under the various cutting speeds tested. The flank wear obtained with the (Al,Ti)N-coated tool is smaller than that obtained with the TiN-coated tool. (2) Although the cutting speed was varied, fullerene is effective for the crater wear and the finished surface roughness compared with the cutting oil. (3) From the viewpoints of flank wear, crater wear and finished surface roughness, fullerene is available for MQL system in hobbing.


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