断面変化穴放電加工用CAD/CAMシステムの開発 : 2次元形状用ポストプロセッサの構築(<小特集>生産加工・工作機械の規範2008)


  • Development of CAD/CAM System for Cross Section's Changing Hole Electrical Discharge Machining : Formulation of Post Processor for 2-Dimensional Shape(<Special Issue>Norms the of Manufacturing and Machine Tools)
  • 断面変化穴放電加工用CAD/CAMシステムの開発--2次元形状用ポストプロセッサの構築
  • ダンメン ヘンカ アナ ホウデン カコウヨウ CAD CAM システム ノ カイハツ 2ジゲン ケイジョウヨウ ポストプロセッサ ノ コウチク



The study deals with the development of a new CAD/CAM system for fabricating the holes whose cross sections are changing variously. The realizable hole shapes by machining are generally limited. As a typical example, a cross section of a machined hole is constant. To solve the problem, a new device had developed which could create cross section's changing holes by means of electrical discharge machining. However, it was impossible to put the device into practical use, since the software system for the device did not exist which allowed the device to machine an arbitrary cross section's changing hole. Accordingly, the study aims at the development of a new CAD/CAM system to realize such a machining. As the first step, in this paper, the post processor of the CAD/CAM system is formulated to machine 2-dimensional cross section's changing holes. The post pocessor outputs operating program of the device by inputting movement path of the electrode. The results obtained from the experiments show that the post processor can machine 2-dimensional, complicated cross section's changing holes by inputting electrode location data.


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