継代保存中におけるイネいもち病菌<i>Pyricularia oryzae</i> Cav. の病原性,病原力の変化と簡易保存法の検討


  • Alteration of virulence and aggressiveness during serial transfer and simplified storage of rice blast fungus Pyricularia oryzae Cav..
  • 継代保存中におけるイネいもち病菌Phricularia oryzae Cav.の病原性,病原力の変化と簡易保存法の検討〔英文〕
  • ケイダイ ホゾンチュウ ニ オケル イネ イモチビョウキン Phricular



Serial transfer of Pyricularia oryzae on PSA slant during 4 years caused decrease of aggressiveness and loss or acquirement of virulence. Monoconidialy re-isolated lines from isolate which appeared as not to be varied were, in some cases, heterogeneous in virulence and/or aggressiveness. Alteration was affected by frequency of transferring, volume of culture medium and constituents of medium. Frequent renewal of medium was commonly unfavorable. Although synthetic medium was better than PSA, the variation also occurred at 3rd year of storage. Rice node method is better than serial transfer on PSA slant. Around 60-70% stocks, however, died or contaminated during storage in -10 C for 4-10 years. A simple and reliable method for preservation of this fungus was investigated. Dried mycelial discs were viable, at least, for 5 years of preservation in small vials desiccated with silica gel under 5 to -10 C.


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