Verticillium dahliae,V.longisporumのブロッコリーおよびカリフラワーに対する病原性とキャベツバーティシリウム萎凋病に対するブロッコリー残さのすき込み効果

  • 剣持伊 佐男
    群馬県農業技術センター高冷地野菜研究センター 群馬県農業技術センター中山間地園芸研究センター
  • 日戸 正敏
  • 酒井 宏


  • Pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae and V. longisporum on broccoli and cauliflower and control of Verticillium wilt of cabbage with broccoli residues.
  • ガクジュツホウコク Verticillium dahliae V longisporum ノ ブロッコリー オヨビ カリフラワー ニ タイスル ビョウゲンセイ ト キャベツバーティシリウムイチョウビョウ ニ タイスル ブロッコリー ザンサ ノ スキ コミ コウカ



In tests on pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae and V. longisporum on broccoli and cauliflower, varietal resistance and control after incorporating broccoli residues into artificially infested soil, broccoli cultivars differed in their susceptibility to V. longisporum. All cultivars of cauliflower, however, were very susceptible. V. dahliae was weakly pathogenic to broccoli, weakly or moderately to cauliflower. V. longisporum was isolated from five cultivars of broccoli cultivated in a field severely infested with Verticillium wilt of cabbage. In two cultivars of cauliflower, V. longisporum and V. dahliae were isolated from the same stock. The Brassica oleracea group, such as broccoli and cauliflower, did not induce external wilting symptoms, even if internal symptoms (discoloration of vascular bundle) were severe. When fresh broccoli residues (600kg/a) and diseased cabbage residues were incorporated into the soil, control of Verticillium wilt of cabbage during the next year was better than that with no residues. In a field severely infested with the Verticillium pathogens, commercial growing is possible by using resistant cultivars of broccoli. In addition, Verticillium wilt of cabbage can be controlled by incorporating broccoli residues after harvesting.


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