Studies on physicochemical properties of sprouted wheat. (Part I). Measurement of gelatinization properties of sprouted wheat with .ALPHA.-amylase inhibitors.

  • WATANABE Hideo
    lnspection Diuision, Food Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  • SUZUKI Osamu
    lnspection Diuision, Food Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 発芽小麦の理化学特性に関する研究 (第1報) α‐アミラーゼ阻害剤利用による発芽処理小麦の糊化特性の測定


Effect of several a-amylase inhibitors on a-amylase activity, maximum viscosity (MV) and Falling Number (FN) of wheat flour and starch was measured to investigate the gelatinization properties of sprouted wheat flour. (1) Silver nitrate, cupper nitrate, EDTA (2K) and hydrazine sulfate showed remarkable inhibition to α-amylase activity which was measured by a simplified method developed in this experiment. (2) MV and FN of flour and starch from sprouted wheat markedly increased to the level of sound wheat when these inhibitors were applied. These results demonstrate that starch is not damaged at an early stage of sprouting and that the decrease of viscosity of flour starts when flour is processed to dough or suspension to be exposed to activated α-amylase. (3) It is possible by the utilization of EDTA or silver nitrate to measure potential MV or FN of germinated wheat without extraction of starch or elimination of protein.


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