

  • Low molecular fatty acids in the marine sediments of eutrophic coastal regions.
  • 富栄養海域の堆積物中における有機酸〔英文〕
  • フエイヨウ カイイキ ノ タイセキブツチュウ ニ オケル ユウキサン エイブン



Analytical procedure using a High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for the simultaneous determination of volatile and non-volatile fatty acids in marine sediments was examin-ed. The fatty acids were extracted from marine sediments by modified Miyoshi's method. Using Shimadzu gel SCR-101H column on HPLC system, low molecular fatty acids were identified clearly.<br> The above procedure for the fatty acìds analyses was applied to the sediments of Uranouchi Inlet, Kochi Prefecture. Acetate, formate, propionate, and lactate were detected. Acetate was found in the highest concentration (7.1-29.6μmol/g dry sediment), followed by formate (2.5-11.0μmol/g dry sediment). Only trace amount of propinate was found regardless of season and depth of sediments, while lactate was detected only in the surface sediments during warmer seasons. No fatty acids were detected in the interstitial water. In general, the concentration of fatty acids in the sediments decreased with increasing depth. The concentration of fatty acids was closely correlated with that of carbohydrates in the sediments.


  • 日本水産学会誌

    日本水産学会誌 56 (3), 519-523, 1990

    公益社団法人 日本水産学会

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