

  • Behaviours of fish schools in set-net fishing ground. VII. Effect of blocking and leading fish school by set-net leader.
  • 定置網漁場における魚群行動に関する研究 VII  垣網の阻止,誘導効果
  • カキアミ ノ ソシ ユウドウ コウカ



Many fish schools were caught owing to the effect of blocking and leading their courses by the set-net leader-net. The behaviour of the fish schools was investigated in the set-net fishinggrounds around the coast of Japan using a scanning sonar for determining the function of theleader-net. The leader-net was effective in blocking off the course of fish school, although itsmesh size was large enough for the fish to pass through. Only 8 percent of the fish schools passedthrough the leader-net, while 76 percent of fish schools encountered the leader-net and moved along it. There were three times as many fish schools moving offshore than toward the coast along the leader-net. The leader-net influenced the fish schools in the area which extended 60m from it. The encountering angle of the fish school's course against the leader-net shows that they had already tended to move offshore. The blocking and leading effect of the leader-net is regarded as being attributed to a tactic movement.


  • 日本水産学会誌

    日本水産学会誌 53 (7), 1135-1140, 1987

    公益社団法人 日本水産学会


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