人工アユ種苗の遊漁資源としての特性評価:同一環境で継代飼育された 2 系統間の比較


  • Assessment of the characteristic traits of hatchery-reared ayu as a recreational fishing target: comparison of two breeds subcultured under identical conditions
  • ジンコウ アユ シュビョウ ノ ユウギョ シゲン ト シテ ノ トクセイ ヒョウカ : ドウイツ カンキョウ デ ケイダイ シイク サレタ 2 ケイトウ カン ノ ヒカク



  Multiple characteristics of two breeds of hatchery-reared ayu Plecoglossus altivelis (YD, Yamanashi Dam breed; YS, Yamanashi Sea breed) as a fishing resource were assessed in a natural river. The breeds were reared under identical conditions from egg fertilization to stocking. From June to October 2009, recapture experiments were conducted for fin-clipped and stocked ayu using casting nets and “tomo-zuri” fishing, i.e., using a live decoy, in the studied river. The results indicated that YD was more vulnerable to fishing than YS, especially early in the fishing season. However, as YD matured earlier, it had a shorter fishing season than YS. Conversely, YS exhibited symptoms of bacterial cold water disease (BCWD) less frequently than did YD, showing that YS better tolerated BCWD. This finding was consistent with the results of experimental infection. We concluded that the characteristic traits of the two breeds of hatchery-reared ayu differed after stocking in a natural river, although both breeds were raised under identical hatchery conditions.<br>


  • 日本水産学会誌

    日本水産学会誌 78 (6), 1149-1158, 2012

    公益社団法人 日本水産学会

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