タイ産コブ牛のルーメン内より得られた Polymorphella bovis sp. n., Entodinium longinucleatum forma spinolobum f.n. および E. longinucleatum の分類に関する一考察


  • New rumen ciliates, Polymorphella bovis sp.n. and Entodinium longinucleatum forma spinolobum f.n., from the zebu cattle in Thailand.
  • タイ産コブ牛のルーメン内より得られたPolymorphella bovis sp.n.,Entodinium longinucleatum forma spinolobum f.n.およびE.longinucleatumの分類に関する一考察(短報)〔英文〕
  • タイサン コブ ウシ ノ ルーメンナイ ヨリ エラレタ Polymorphel



Two new rumen ciliates, Polymorphella bovis sp.n. and Entodinium longinucleatum forma spinolobum f.n., from the zebu cattle in Thailand were described. P. bovis is flask-like in shape, with two ciliary zones: the larger zone in the anterior one-third area and the smaller zone in the posterior extremity of body. E. longinucleatum f. spinolobum has a very long macronucleus, and two spines and one lobe at the posterior extremity of body. At that time, the problem on the description of so-called E. longinucleatum group was discussed.


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