A Method for Estimating the Number of Individuals on the Assumption of a Poisson or Negative Binomial Distribution

  • SHIYOMI Masae
    Division of Statistical Researches, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences

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  • 枠あたりの個体数にポアソンか負の二項分布が仮定できる場合の個体数推定の一方法
  • ワク アタリ ノ コタイスウ ニ ポアソン カ マケ ノ 2コウ ブンプ ガ カテイ デキル バアイ ノ コタイスウ スイテイ ノ イチ ホウホウ

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An easier method for counting and estimating the number of individuals on the assumption that the number of individuals in each quadrat changes according to Poisson or negative binomial distribution is derived in this paper, and here frequency distributions having more than 2 classes are dealt with. The method for calculating the estimator (i.e. the population size) by using the maximum likelihood is derived. Also the number of quadrats required to obtain an estimate as precise as the complete counts is given in tabular form. Application of the method is illustrated by using sampling data of an aphid population.


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