The species composition of coleopterous pests infesting stored products in mills and dairy farms in Okayama Prefecture.

    Laboratory of Applied Entomology, Department of Agriculture, Okayama University Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station
  • SHINODA Kazutaka
    Laboratory of Applied Entomology, Department of Agriculture, Okayama University
  • MIKI Toshihiro
    Laboratory of Applied Entomology, Department of Agriculture, Okayama University
  • YOSHIDA Toshiharu
    Laboratory of Applied Entomology, Department of Agriculture, Okayama University

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  • 岡山県下の製粉所と酪農家における鞘し目貯穀害虫相
  • 岡山県下の製粉所と酪農家における鞘翅目貯穀害虫相
  • オカヤマケンカ ノ セイフンジョ ト ラクノウカ ニ オケル ショウシモク チ

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The species composition of stored product beetles was surveyed in mills and dairy farms at 4 localities in Okayama Prefecture between July and November in 1981. Twenty-four species were collected which were classified into 3 feeding types: 1. Primary kernel and germ feeders, 3 species. 2. Ground cereal feeders, 6 species. 3. Feeders on out of condition material, 15 species. The numbers of species collected decreased sharply in November, when the monthly mean temperature fell below 10°C. They were the smallest in Okutsu, which was the coolest locality of the 4. Hayashi's quantification III analysis revealed that the fauna in mills were characterized by the occurrence of the first type, while that in farms by the third type.


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