

  • イネ品種に対する寄生性を異にするツマグロヨコバイ個体群
  • The Green Rice Leafhopper, <i>Nephotettix cincticeps</i> UHLER (Hemiptera: Deltocephalidae), Populations with Differential Reactions to Rice Varieties
  • イネ ヒンシュ ニ タイスル キセイセイ オ イ ニ スル ツマグロヨコバイ



Differential reactions of the Joetsu (Hokuriku) and Chikugo (Kyushu) populations of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps, were comparatively studied to identify their biotypic differentiation. The reactions of the Joetsu-Chikugo hybrid progenies, and of other 13 local populations to IR 24 were also examined preliminarily.<br>Nymphs of the Joetsu population did not prefer the rice varieties, IR 24, IR 28, IR 32, and Kanto PL 3, whereas those of the Chikugo population accepted these varieties as well as susceptible varieties. High percentages of the Chikugo nymphs emerged to adults on these varieties, unlike the Joetsu nymphs. Although the first instar nymphs of the Joetsu and Chikugo populations excreted a nearly equal amount of honeydew on IR 24, the latter excreted much larger amounts of ninhydrin positive honeydew indicative of phloem sucking on IR 24 than did the former.<br>Nymphs of the F1 progeny from the crosses between the Joetsu and Chikugo populations showed a non-preference for IR 24, and only a few individuals reached the adult stage on the same variety. The host preference and nymphal growth responses to IR 24 of the F2 were intermediate between those of the parental populations.<br>The Kagoshima and Chikugo populations from Kyushu, and the Kainan population from South Shikoku had a normal ability to develop and reproduce on IR 24. The nymphal mortality of the Ino population from South Shikoku, and the Shirahama and Owase populations from the Kii Peninsula was high in the first generation on IR 24, but decreased markedly in the subsequent 2 to 3 generations on the variety. The first generation of the populations from Hokuriku, Kinki, San'in, and North Shikoku did not survive on IR 24, except the Sakai population which reached the third generation with a marked decrease in the number of individuals.


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