

  • On the Bionomics and Control of the Wood Boring Beetles (Ipidae, Coleoptera) Attacking Persimmons in Japan
  • カキ オ カガイ スル キクイムシルイ ノ セイタイ ナラビニ ソノ ボウジョ ニ ツイテ



Recently the increase of damages of Japanese persimmons, Diospyros kaki, caused by wood boring beetles (Ipidae, Platypodidae, Coleoptera) were pointed out in Wakayama Prefecture. The author hereby studied the life history and control measures of the pests in 1958∼60. The results are summarized as follows.<br>1. As injurious wood boring beetles of Japanese persimmons 8 species, belonging to 4 genera and 2 families, are recognized. Among these species Xyleborus germanus is dominant in this district.<br>2. X. germanus hibernates in the adult form, and then bores the trunks or boughs of Japanese persimmons in late April or early May. One female bores one tunnel and makes several egg chambers, so called "wood family-gallery". One female oviposits 20∼50 eggs dividing into 2∼3 egg masses. The development of eggs in one egg mass is not simultaneous and both larvae and eggs usually exist in one egg mass in early June. The frequency distribution curve of the width of the head capsule of larvae separates into four peaks, so the number of larval instar seems to be four. In late part of June, newly emerged adults exist in their tunnels, but they run away in early July. The new adults, however, do not attack Japanese persimmons in the year.<br>3. In many cases they attack trunks or boughs of younger trees (until ten years old) as well as weekened trees. The place attacked, however, is variable according to the condition of trees. Most of the trees attacked by the beetles wither or die.<br>4. The results of the control experiments against the beetles by means of spraying or painting of various insecticides are shown in the following table:



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