

  • Forecasting the Outbreak of Destructive Insects in Apple Orchards
  • リンゴエン ニ オケル ガイチュウルイ ノ ハッセイ ヨサツ 1
  • I. Forecasting the Initial Date of Hatch in Respect of the Overwintering Comstock Mealy-Bug, <i>Pseudococcus comstocki</i> KUWANA, in Aomori Prefecture
  • I. クワコナカイガラムシ越冬卵のふ化初発日の予察について



Attempts were made to determine the method of forecasting the first appearance of larvae from the overwintering eggs of the Comstock mealy-bug, based on observations and investigations carried out in the laboratory as well as the field during the period 1949∼1958.<br>1. The laboratory tests revealed the fact that a temperature of about 9°C was the lower limit for the development of the overwintering eggs and that an accumulated effective temperature of 220 day-degrees C was required to complete the development of eggs laid in autumn.<br>2. The results obtained in the laboratory were checked on the field, taking into consideration the normal date of hatch, and the accumulated temperature above 9°C. It was found that there was a high correlation between the date of hatch, and the accumulated temperature during the period from March 1st to May 20th of the said ten years.<br>3. Furthermore, the relationship of egg hatch to the commencement and peak of bloom in the American Summer Pearmain, Jonathan and Ralls Janet were traced numerically.<br>Since these factors showed a high degree of correlation, there was the possibility of forecasting the first day of hatch by applying the following formulae.<br>a. American Summer Pearmain:<br>Y=5.662+1.171X<br>(Y: Initial date of hatch, X: Peak date of bloom)<br>b. Jonathan:<br>Y1=7.532+1.344X1<br>(Y1: Initial date of hatch, X1: Initial date of bloom)<br>Y2=8.119+0.801X2<br>(Y2: Do, X2: Peak date of bloom)<br>c. Ralls Janet:<br>Y1=4.673+1.132X1<br>(Y1: Initial date of hatch, X1: Initial date of bloom)<br>Y2=5.570+0.729X2<br>(Y2: Do, X2: Peak date of bloom)<br>4. The dates of hatch (Y) showed a correlation of r=-0.647 with the average maximum temperatures of late April (X). Thus an equation is given as follows:<br>Y=51.951-2.001X<br>5. The foregoing formulae for forecasting thedate of hatch, could also be utilized in the timing of insecticidal application. Insecticides, if applied, 10∼14 days after the initial date of hatch, would be effective and economical. It is also advisable to paint the branches of the trees with “tanglefoot” 2∼3 days before the date of hatch.



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